
Blog and resources

Articles and case studies in service design, UX design and innovation
My behavioural design resources

My behavioural design resources

A useful list of behavioural design resources that helped my understand human behaviour.

The truth about motivation and behavior change (+hacks)

The truth about motivation and behavior change (+hacks)

Motivation will get you so far. It's time we hack it.

Change your health behavior using these psychological strategies

Change your health behavior using these psychological strategies

Most of our health outcomes rely on our behavior, meaning the actions we take and those we fail to perform.

How to solve an impossible life problem

How to solve an impossible life problem

How to solve an "impossible" problem using design thinking.

The reframing exercise you always needed: Feedback vs Failure

The reframing exercise you always needed: Feedback vs Failure

A solution-focused exercise I find fascinating as a designer.

Do it despite the fear: my rules and exercises

Do it despite the fear: my rules and exercises

To grow in our personal or work life, we need to face our fears; this articles provides some tips and exercices to work with (not against) fear.

A scientific 3-step formula to change a health behavior

A scientific 3-step formula to change a health behavior

In this article I will provide you with a simple method to create your goal and stick to it, created by an expert –Dr. BJ. Fogg - on changing human behavior.

How to use social proof to influence users & make money

How to use social proof to influence users & make money

Explaining the power of social proof in design.

4 psychological constraints that help you create better solutions

4 psychological constraints that help you create better solutions

Behavioral design is helping designers create more human-centered solutions. See how.

Behavioral science, energy use and interaction design (case study)

Behavioral science, energy use and interaction design (case study)

How beautiful web design influences our thinking and feeling

How beautiful web design influences our thinking and feeling

Have you ever chosen a website with beautiful design and trusted that the people providing the services there were more competent than another less organized and poorly designed website? And was it so?

Simple onboarding for a mobile app (case study)

Simple onboarding for a mobile app (case study)

Should I use video on my home page?

Should I use video on my home page?

The trend is video on home page - good or bad?

Forget business goals - It's time to look at behavior

Forget business goals - It's time to look at behavior

The world needs this: benefits for people, not features

The world needs this: benefits for people, not features

“People don't buy products; they buy better versions of themselves”

How to kick ass at habit-forming apps (Hook Model)

How to kick ass at habit-forming apps (Hook Model)

Explaining the Hook Model by Nir Eyal - a great source of inspiration when building habit-forming products for designers, developers, project managers and business people.

Are you not obsessed yet about customer experience?

Are you not obsessed yet about customer experience?

Why you need to start thinking about successful user experience

Why you need to start thinking about successful user experience

Innovate with these 7 vital success factors in mind

Innovate with these 7 vital success factors in mind